[ 本帖最后由 美雅秀剑 于 2007-9-12 09:27 编辑 ] 占个位置啊. 有趣,支持一下,祝大家中秋节日快乐!:victory:
个性月饼来了:lol 先报个道先 呵呵,我也要来个月饼.:lol :lol 偶等会看看月饼长什么样子的,不大喜欢吃,没注意看... 好文, 谢谢,强烈支持一下
seduction skill seduce rules Despite Neil Strass's somewhat ironic speculation in his Non-fiction bestseller - "The Game" that TD attached great importance to Amog cause "Stealing A Woman From The jocks who used to pick on him in school was a tasted far sweeter than simply seducing a woman sitting a lone in a cafe" 干嘛啊,都要画饼充饥啊 :D 我也来了月饼!:lol